Integration with found-action

The --found-action option in Dalfox allows you to specify actions to take when a vulnerability is detected. This can be useful for automating responses to findings, such as logging, alerting, or further processing.

Using found-action

The --found-action option lets you define a command to execute when a vulnerability is found. The following placeholders can be used within the command:

Placeholder Description
@@query@@ The attack query (e.g.,"><script~~blahblah)
@@target@@ The target site (e.g.,
@@type@@ The type of proof of concept (POC) (values: WEAK / VULN)

Example Command

dalfox url --found-action "echo '@@query@@' > data"

Example Output

cat data

Modifying the Shell Application for found-action

The --found-action-shell flag allows you to change the shell application used for executing the found action. The default value is bash.

Example Command with zsh

dalfox url --found-action "echo '@@query@@' > data" --found-action-shell=zsh

Example Command with sh (for Alpine Linux)

dalfox url --found-action "echo '@@query@@' > data" --found-action-shell=sh

Additional Resources

For more information and advanced usage, please refer to the blog post on Dalfox’s fun options.