Server Mode (REST API)


Server mode transforms Dalfox into a REST API service, enabling integration with other security tools, automation workflows, and continuous security pipelines. When running in server mode, Dalfox listens on a specified IP address and port, accepting scan requests via HTTP endpoints.

This mode is particularly valuable for:

  • Security operations centers (SOCs) looking to build centralized scanning infrastructure
  • DevSecOps teams integrating security scanning into CI/CD pipelines
  • Bug bounty hunters automating large-scale testing
  • Creating custom security dashboards with XSS scanning capabilities

Starting the Server

To start Dalfox in server mode, use the server command:

# Start with default settings (listening on
dalfox server

# Specify custom host and port
dalfox server --host --port 8090

Example Output

dalfox server --host --port 8090
  .' .::::.   __   _   _    ___ _ __ __
 :  :::::::: |  \ / \ | |  | __/ \\ V /
 :  :::::::: | o ) o || |_ | _( o )) (
 '. '::::::' |__/|_n_||___||_| \_//_n_\
Parameter Analysis and XSS Scanning tool based on golang
Finder Of XSS and Dal is the Korean pronunciation of moon. @hahwul
 🎯  Target                 REST API Mode
 🧲  Listen Address
 🏁  Method                 GET
 🖥  Worker                 100
 🔦  BAV                    true
 ⛏  Mining                 true (Gf-Patterns)
 🔬  Mining-DOM             true (mining from DOM)
 ⏱  Timeout                10
 📤  FollowRedirect         false
 🕰  Started at             2021-07-08 18:10:15.214339875 +0900 KST m=+0.027712246

API Documentation

The Dalfox server provides a Swagger UI for easy API exploration and testing. Access it at:


For example: http://localhost:8090/swagger/index.html

Swagger UI Screenshot

API Endpoints

Dalfox’s server mode provides several RESTful endpoints for scan management:

Endpoint Method Description
/scan POST Submit a new scan request
/result/:id GET Retrieve scan results by scan ID
/status/:id GET Check the status of a scan by ID
/stop/:id GET Stop a running scan by ID

Basic Scanning Example

Initiating a Basic Scan

To start a scan with default settings:

# Request
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8090/scan" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"url": ""}'

# Response

The response contains a scan ID (msg field) that you’ll use to retrieve results.

Retrieving Scan Results

curl -X GET "http://localhost:8090/result/28846e5b355577ecd60766f45735c4c687e8c1c200db65700e3f458b73234984"

Advanced Scanning with Options

You can customize scans by providing options in the request body:

# Request with custom options
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8090/scan" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "url": "", 
    "options": {
      "cookie": "session=abc123",
      "worker": 20,
      "delay": 100,
      "blind": "",
      "header": ["Authorization: Bearer token", "Custom-Header: value"]

Available Options

The server mode accepts the same options available in CLI mode. Below are some commonly used options:

  "url": "",
  "options": {
    // Target specification
    "param": ["search", "q"],       // Target specific parameters
    "header": ["Authorization: Bearer token"],  // Custom headers
    "cookie": "sessionid=123456",   // Cookies
    "data": "username=test",        // POST data
    "method": "POST",               // HTTP method

    // Scanning behavior
    "worker": 30,                   // Number of concurrent workers
    "timeout": 10,                  // Timeout in seconds
    "delay": 100,                   // Delay between requests (ms)
    "blind": "", // Blind XSS callback URL
    "follow-redirects": true,       // Follow HTTP redirects

    // Feature control
    "mining-dom": true,             // Enable DOM-based parameter mining
    "mining-dict": true,            // Enable dictionary-based parameter mining
    "only-discovery": false,        // Only perform parameter analysis
    "skip-bav": false,              // Skip BAV analysis

    // Output control
    "format": "json",               // Output format
    "silence": true,                // Minimal output mode
    "found-action": "",   // Action on finding vulnerability
    "debug": false                  // Enable debug mode

For a complete list of options, refer to the options model.

Integration Examples

Python Client Example

import requests
import json
import time

DALFOX_SERVER = "http://localhost:8090"

def start_scan(url, options=None):
    payload = {"url": url}
    if options:
        payload["options"] = options
    response ="{DALFOX_SERVER}/scan", json=payload)
    return response.json()["msg"]  # Return the scan ID

def get_scan_results(scan_id):
    response = requests.get(f"{DALFOX_SERVER}/result/{scan_id}")
    return response.json()

def main():
    # Start scan with custom options
    scan_id = start_scan("", {
        "worker": 10,
        "timeout": 5,
        "blind": ""
    print(f"Scan started with ID: {scan_id}")
    # Poll for results
    while True:
        result = get_scan_results(scan_id)
        if result["status"] == "done":
            print("Scan completed!")
            print(json.dumps(result["data"], indent=2))
        print("Scan in progress...")

if __name__ == "__main__":

CI/CD Integration (GitHub Actions)

name: Dalfox Security Scan

    branches: [ main ]
    branches: [ main ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Run Dalfox Server
        run: |
          docker run -d -p 6664:6664 hahwul/dalfox:latest server
          sleep 5  # Wait for server to start
      - name: Run Scan
        run: |
          # Extract URLs from your application
          URLS=$(grep -r "https://" ./src --include="*.js" | grep -o 'https://[^"]*' | sort | uniq)
          # Scan each URL
          for url in $URLS; do
            SCAN_ID=$(curl -s -X POST "http://localhost:6664/scan" \
              -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
              -d "{\"url\": \"$url\"}" | jq -r .msg)
            echo "Started scan for $url with ID: $SCAN_ID"

Security Considerations

When deploying Dalfox in server mode, consider the following security practices:

  1. Access Control: Restrict access to the API server using a reverse proxy, firewall rules, or API keys
  2. Resource Limits: Set appropriate worker and timeout values to avoid resource exhaustion
  3. Monitoring: Implement monitoring for the Dalfox server to track resource usage and scan activity
  4. Isolation: Run the server in an isolated environment (Docker container or separate VM)

Common Issues and Solutions

Issue Solution
Server unresponsive Check resource usage; reduce worker count or increase server capacity
Slow scan results Increase worker count or adjust timeout settings
Connection errors Verify network connectivity and firewall settings
Memory issues Reduce concurrent scans or increase server memory

Best Practices

  • Start with a low number of workers and increase gradually based on your server’s capacity
  • For production deployments, set up logging and monitoring
  • Use a proper API key mechanism for authenticating clients
  • Consider implementing rate limiting for public-facing instances
  • Regularly update your Dalfox installation to get the latest security checks and bug fixes